Are you in one of those phases where you’ve now reached a level of health concern that you’ve realized that you need to add much more to your diet than your current status? If so, then you’ve also probably realized that the foods we eat these days now significantly lack the nutritional requirements of our body on a daily basis and that is why you’re here- you’re looking for a super greens powder!
What are Green Drinks and why are they important?
We know that you probably know what super greens drinks are – drinking powders made from freeze-dried healthy ingredients that are packed with nutrients and the good powers of vitamins and minerals. They boost metabolism, contain much lower calories, are a great source of fibre, enhance gut health, facilitate weight loss, reduce cravings and bloating and naturally give you an energy boost- works of wonder, eh? There’s no doubt that they’re important for good health in so many ways, all ways.
What are the Best Green Superfood Supplements?

With all these powerful benefits to boast of, how does one choose a single product to consume? That’s where we come in! Based on their mix of ingredients, their weightage and their produced results, we’ve listed out three super liked green supplements on the market! These are the:
- Organixx OrganiGreens,
- Athletic Greens Ultimate Daily and
- The Amazing Grass Green Superfood!
What is Organixx OrganiGreens?

OrganiGreens is an advanced super greens formula that uses the double-fermentation and sprouting processes to increase the nutritional availability of its ingredients and promises you a healthy life! Its proprietary blend consists of organic vegetables, fruits, greens, seeds, spices, and the ever-loved mushrooms, formulated for a healthy immune system and strong gut functioning. It also combats aging and reduces risks of illnesses, including cancer, thanks to its highly health-supporting and disease-preventing ingredients!
All you need to do is blend one scoop of this dairy and gluten-free, non-GMO super powder along with your core beverage of choice (say coconut or nut milk or yogurt) until smooth, and enjoy! With its advanced formulation techniques and high-quality USDA-certified ingredients, OrganiGreens also contains the lowest calorie intake of all other products. This makes it an ideal superfood worth its money!
Buy your Bag of Organixx OrganiGreens from its Official Website and Indulge in Nature-Fresh Vitamins, Click Here.
What is Athletic Greens Ultimate Daily?

Athletic Greens is an efficient, bioavailable, and nutritionally comprehensive formula to help you boost your body functions such as better gut health, enhanced immune functioning, and combat aging. It is made of 75 ingredients that work to give you better results and remove the dietary gaps from your daily life.
All ingredients in Athletic Greens are vegan friendly, non-GMO and USDA certified and work for you in just a single scoop to be blended into your daily beverage.
However, it would be a good time to tell you that the product comes with its own expenses! (Check our comparison table at the end to get a precise note of the price and its limited usage directions.)
What is Amazing Grass Green Superfood?

Amazing Grass is a powerful powder blend of fresh greens, wholesome vegetables, and yum yet tasty fruits that replenish you with the nutrients you need to carry on a healthy day with optimum nutritional consumption. To make it fun for you, the product comes in different flavors, such as chocolate, berry and more, and promises you better digestion, health, and wellness!
To get the best of Amazing Grass, the non-GMO, vegan-friendly product even recommends various recipes– scoop, stir and smile! One scoop of Amazing Grass for a really cheap price.
However, we would like you to keep in mind that it’s the ingredients that matter much more, and hence, we’d implore you to look out for its labels and compare it with the others for a better idea!
Ingredients Common to All three Supplements (OrganiGreens, Athletic Greens and Amazing Grass)

- Organic Alfalfa Grass (Leaf) Powder: Alfalfa, also called Lucerne, is a commonly found ingredient in most greens powders on the market. A powerful legume, Alfalfa has been an age-old trusted component for traditional herbal treatments. The high amount of bioactive plant contents found in Alfalfa, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, amino acids, vitamins, digestive enzymes, and many more, helps in reducing cholesterol, controlling blood sugar, and filling your system with antioxidants. All three products contain this ingredient.
- Organic Wheat Grass (Leaf) Powder: Plush with antioxidants, Wheatgrass is a rich source of vitamins and minerals that protect your cells from damage, diminish oxidative stress in your body and increase levels of digestive enzymes.
It also boosts your energy and your immune system and reduces bad cholesterol. In addition to its metabolic boosts, it also removes toxins from your body and manages your blood pressure. All three products contain this ingredient. - Organic Carrot (Root) Powder: Considered an organic treatment for various parts of the body from the eyes to the stomach, liver, and even reproductive systems, carrots provide essential nutrients that keep our eyes, skin, and immune functioning at their optimum level. A rich source of vitamins A and K and calcium, carrot is also a great enhancer of bone health and diabetes reduction. All three products contain organic carrot root powder.
Ingredients common to OrganiGreens and Athletic Greens

- Organic Reishi Mushroom: Famously and lovingly called “the Mushroom of Immortality”, the Reishi Mushroom is an ancient trusted component found in Asian healers of all kinds. It relaxes the mind and the body and produces strength and resistance.
A powerful immune function booster, it also flushes out toxins from the body, combats aging, and enhances liver and gut functioning. The Reishi Mushroom has been found to combat fatigue and even cancer and reduces stress of the heart as well, thus controlling your blood pressure.
Only, Organixx OrganiGreens and Athletic Greens contain this immortality potion or what we’d consider as the wickedly amazing ingredient. - Organic Shiitake Mushroom: Another ingredient found in the ancient Asian healer’s medicine box, the Shiitake mushroom has been used to boost immune functioning of both the body and the mind, thus protecting you from the most common of illnesses to severe physical and mental stress as well. It has key anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that support the immune system and even works with antimicrobial functions. Organixx OrganiGreens and Athletic Greens contain this ingredient.
- Organic Spinach (Leaf) Powder: Excuse us for swooning a bit but Spinach was Popeye’s favorite for a reason! A must-have for dietary super greens, spinach is richly filled with vitamins such as B3 (niacin), B6, A, and K and minerals such as iron, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, copper and manganese.
If you pay closer attention to this list, you’d see why Spinach is a must-have vegetable– it has all that one needs to maintain strength, enhance brain function, keep eyes and skin healthy and glowing, fight cardiovascular and immunological problems, and help you with your appetite and digestion. With all these wonders, only Organixx OrganiGreens and Athletic Greens contain this gobsmackingly powerful veggie!
Ingredients Common to Organixx OrganiGreens and Amazing Grass

- Fermented Organic Lemon (Fruit) Powder: These small (or medium or big) yellow balls of Vitamin C are rich sources of antioxidants and phytonutrients that boost immune and respiratory functioning. In addition to these benefits that are in fact, supported by extensive medical research, vitamin C is also associated with increased longevity, especially by supporting healthy cardiovascular functioning, reducing the risks for kidney stones and cancer, and improving gut functioning. With all these supportive functions, lemons also contribute to a healthy, safe, and natural weight loss.
- Fermented Organic Kale (leaf) Powder: It won’t be a lie to say that kids tend to hate some of the healthiest of foods, and this green vegetable is one on the list. Keeping aside the conflicting views on its taste (we do find it extremely yummy, though), Kale is an exceptional source of antioxidants, protein, and vitamins, such as vitamins A, K, and C.
Kale is super-efficient in flushing out toxins from the body, reduces inflammation, detoxifies and boosts cardiovascular and gut functioning, and also works as an antibacterial and antiviral wonder food, thus protecting you from numerous health problems!
Unique Ingredients in OrganiGreens

- Organic Sprouted Chia: Chia means strength, and that should be a testimony to its efficiency as an ingredient in a super green mix. Chia seeds have been reputed not just for the strength and stamina that they accord to their consumer but also for their key role in dietary management.
Chia seeds are rich in fiber, protein, and various essential minerals such as potassium, zinc, copper, and calcium. In addition to these, it is not uncommon to find praises for these seeds for their amazing tendency to fill you with key nutrients with minimal calories, thus helping you lose as well as maintain optimum weight. - Organic Turkey Tail Mushroom: Another component filled with antioxidants, Turkey Tail Mushroom has all the goodness that mushrooms have to offer, along with being a potent source of polysaccharides, selenium, and vitamins D and B3 (niacin), thus giving you the goodness of the heart, body, and mind. It does so by boosting immune functioning, enhancing gut health and digestive function, and optimizing your weight through its fibrous, fat-burning, and glucose-regulatory properties.
- Organic Ginger: Another herb long praised for its medicinal properties from headaches to sexual functioning, ginger is a potent source of vitamin C and various minerals such as copper, magnesium, manganese, and copper. It replenishes the body with optimum vitamins and minerals and flushes out toxins.
Considered rich in Ayurvedic properties, Ginger is also a great way for a cleanse, be it the gut or the lymphatic system. It is also a powerful immunity booster and has long been used to cure various digestive problems such as stomach ache, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. - Organic Wild Leaf Lettuce: Wild Leaf Lettuce is as wild as it can get in a healthy body city. It restocks you with a whole wide gourmet of health-promoting phytonutrients such as vitamins A, C, and K, beta-carotene, B-complex (which is the golden triangle of weight loss and healthy skin!), and minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Why do we say it’s wild? Because it is unbelievably low in calories while still giving you the benefits of an energy boost and an enhanced immune system function!
- Organic Red Bell Pepper: This ingredient is a wealthy source of vitamins A, E, and C, carotenoids, and a range of B-complex vitamins such as vitamins B2, B3, B6, folate, and pantothenic acid. They are also a good repertoire of potassium, molybdenum, and fiber and are low in calories.
In layman’s terms, these compounds improve your optic health, cardiovascular functioning, immunological health and also reduce the risk of numerous chronic diseases. Interestingly, red bell peppers are the most nutritious ones in the capsicum variety and Organixx OrganiGreens knows this too! - Organic Sprouted Purple Corn Maize: The effective role of the Purple Corn Maize in various health benefits was literally a maze for a long time until extensive research found out its huge repository of fiber, essential nutrients, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and flavonoids. A potent antioxidant called anthocyanin reveals itself highly in this food, which is found to optimize body inflammation and blood flow and also play a role in tissue regeneration. It is also found to have positive effects for reducing obesity and diabetes and protect the heart and the immune system.
You may think why the lists only focus on the ingredients found in Organixx OrganiGreens. We have two related reasons for this. The first, is that if you look at the list of common ingredients, you’d find that the most important of super greens ingredients, that is, the absolute must-haves, are common in the three products for the most part. However, OrganiGreens also boasts of containing such must-haves which one or the other supplement may lack.
This brings us to the second reason. OrganiGreens has a combination of just 14 ingredients. While 14 may look a lot, we’d say it’s an optimum number. Many super greens make the mistake of over-packaging ingredients in their green formula, which leads to a situation wherein you are having a little of too many, but not enough. OrganiGreens combats this mistake by including 14 ingredients that go super well with each other, without disrupting the minimum and optimum level of nutritional boosts that a super greens drink should be giving you!
Further, notice how the OrganiGreens mix gives you the compounded benefits of sprouted and fermented foods, thus maximizing the foods’ nutritional value. With these effective ingredient mixes, what you get is a range of digestive enzymes, seventeen to be exact, such as cellulase, amylase, protease complex, xylanase, lactase, and the exceptional probiotic called Bacillus subtilis!
What benefits to look out for with these ingredients?
While all three products claim to give you the benefits of super green foods in the form of green drinks, there will obviously be differences in their impact based on the differences in their formulations. All three products promise you the benefits of stronger immunity, antioxidant functioning, energy, gut health, and beauty. So where does the difference lie?
It lies in the exact formulation of the ingredients. While OrganiGreens proves powerful for the above-mentioned benefits and has actual evidence for improved gut health through increased functioning of 17 important digestive enzymes, Athletic Greens has been more focused on the multiplicity of its ingredients rather than OrganiGreens’ focused proprietary blend. On another note, Amazing Grass reaches these goals comparatively slower and lower but it does come in different flavors!
Ditch the Lengthy process of Juicing and Tap to stop by Organixx Official Website to Buy your Supply.
How safe are they? Any side effects?
All three products are organic. However, OrganiGreens and Athletic Greens are also USDA certified, which Amazing Grass is not. On top of that, OrganiGreens is a proprietary blend that uses super-effective but hard-to-get ingredients, making the production process specific to quality and not essentially quantity. This ensures that all ingredients are tested for safety and quality and take their own time for processing.
Hence, there are absolutely no side effects to using OrganiGreens. Athletic Greens is also assured of its safety. This is unless you have an allergy to any of the ingredients mentioned on the labels of these products.
However, as a standard safety warning, it is always better to double-check with your physician for your body’s customized needs. Also, please note that these formulations are for adults only. If you are not an adult, then make sure to consult your doctor before consumption of any product to make sure it is age-appropriate.
What is an alternative to Athletic Greens that is Bigger and Better?
Why are we talking about Athletic Greens? Simply because they’ve been one of the market favorites for powerful green drinks, boasting of their comprehensive formula. But we’d say, we have a slightly different opinion (and our Comparison Table at the end shall show you why in even better detail).
We think that Organixx OrganiGreens fills in for a powerful, competitive alternative to Athletic Greens. And here’s a quick debrief on why we think so-

- OrganiGreens is made of 14 ingredients that are sure to not overwhelm you. We’re not as sure about Athletic Greens due to its list of 75 ingredients. While they may be highly absorbable, they’re a bit too much for the body to take all at once, that too in just one scoop!
- Even with its 75 ingredients, Athletic Greens does not contain some key ingredients that are considered essential for dietary management by both traditional and scientific research which OrganiGreens includes (like Ginger, Kale, or Chia).
- OrganiGreens is the only known product in the market to make use of the double-fermentation process for its ingredients that maximizes their nutritional value.
- Athletic Greens is unusually expensive! While we understand that procuring 75 ingredients is part of the reason for this, it offers a much more expensive choice than a much less expensive OrganiGreens.
What’s the verdict?
It may be pretty clear by now for whose side we’re leaning towards, but let’s make it official. We believe that Organixx OrganiGreens is the ideal blend for a healthy, natural and safe dietary regimen. Here’s a 101 on why we believe so-

- It is a powerful blend of 14 ingredients that are in perfect sync to boost your immune system, gut health and cardiovascular functioning!
- Its proprietary blend also gives you the benefits of more energy and stamina, better eye and skin health and reduced risks of chronic illnesses!
- It has the least number of calories compared to the other products, with the same, or even greater number of dietary benefits!
- It is the only known product in the market to maximise the nutritional value of its ingredients using the double-fermentation process!
- It has the added benefits of a powerful probiotic in addition to the activation of 17 key digestive enzymes for better gut functioning!
- It is Non-GMO and USDA certified, thus posing no risks to your safety!
- It is vegan, gluten and soy friendly and comes in organic packaging, true to its mantra of a safe, organic and healthy life!
- It proves its value for money with its effective results!
- It comes with a gobsmacking 1 year long satisfaction guarantee which entitles you to a return of your money if the product doesn’t work out for you!
So, time to add the Essential Superfoods to your Daily Routine, Click Here to stop at Organixx OrganiGreens Official and Book your Bag of Healthy Greens!
Comparison Between OrganiGreens Vs Athletic Greens Vs Amazing Grass
Product | OrganiGreens | Athletic Greens | Amazing Grass |
Price | $69.95 for 30 servings (1 month) | $79 for 30 servings (1 month) | $29.99 + Extra Shipping for 30 servings (1 month) |
Calories | 24 calories per serving | 50 calories per serving | 30 calories per serving |
Guarantee | 1year money back guarantee | 60-days money back guarantee | Information not available |
Vegan friendly | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Non-GMO | Yes | Yes | Yes |
USDA Organic | Yes | Yes | No |
Eco-friendly packaging | Yes | Yes | No |
Where to Buy Organixx OrganiGreens? | Click Here to Visit Organixx Official Website to Buy OrganiGreens at Discount Rates. | ||
Comparison of Ingredients | |||
Organic Alfalfa Grass Powder | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Organic Wheat Grass Powder | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Organic Sprouted Chia | Yes | ? | ? |
Organic Sprouted Purple Corn Maize Flour | Yes | ? | ? |
Organic Turkey Tail Mushroom | Yes | ? | ? |
Organic Reishi Mushroom | Yes | Yes | ? |
Organic Shiitake Mushroom | Yes | Yes | ? |
Organic Spinach | Yes | Yes | ? |
Organic Carrot | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Organic Red Bell Pepper | Yes | ? | ? |
Fermented Organic Lemon | Yes | ? | ? |
Fermented Organic Kale | Yes | ? | Yes |
Fermented Ginger | Yes | ? | ? |
Fermented Wild Leaf Lettuce | Yes | ? | ? |