Qualia shelters a stretch of several natural nootropic supplements such as Qualia Mind, Qualia Focus, and Qualia Life, to name a few of the Qualia Products by NeuroHacker Collective. The brand takes the initiative of promising quality cognitive functions that transcends through time and generations. The brand also adopted the mission of manufacturing products that employ a diverse methodology and follow a developmental design based on several complex structures of science and nature.
Let’s study these three nootropic supplements to analyze the unique and remarkable outcomes all of them bring to the table.

Qualia Mind: The Ultimate Rock-Solid Support To Your Coast-To-Coast Cognition!!!

The supplement is one of the bestsellers of the Qualia brand since it is sort of across the board for being inclusive of various diverse benefits that we generally assemble from all the products that the brand shelters. The nootropic helps in enhancing the functions of our brain by helping us to absorb things to their minor details, increasing our respective attentional skills, ensuring the state of our alertness does not fade easily, increasing the span of our awareness, and also enhancing the quality of our skills to make decisions.
Owing to the effectiveness and quality assurance the product achieved great extents of popularity in the market and is one of the all-in-one nootropic supplements for people belonging to different parts of the world. The supplement is mainly purchased and consumed by professionals such as, athletes, sportsmen, fitness leaders, performers, scientists, physicians who require a reeling brain all the time since they need memory and cognition to be highly optimized in nature.
This supplement amalgamates a well-researched formula that comprises the fruitful blend of 28 natural and GMO-free ingredients that includes vitamins, amino acids, fibers, and various herbs anciently known for their unique cognitive enhancing benefits. The reaction time of Qualia Mind is also very fast-acting since it promises to deliver the benefits it entails and a sense of calmness in nearly about 40 minutes after you consume the capsules. The scientifically tested formula on which the supplement has been repeatedly tested to be premium, highly purified, and most importantly safe for one and all. The supplement is delivered to your doorstep with free worldwide shipping and also backs a money-back guarantee of 100 days long.
How does this product function in delivering all the benefits it promises???
This particular natural nootropic supplement delivers various immediate neurochemical and physiological benefits. Qualia goes several steps to address various cognitive benefits that should be long-term in nature. These benefits revolve around optimizing our memory stores and overall brain health that tends to get depleted with excessive brain stress. The supplement acts with fast-acting qualities by supporting and promoting the functions of various significant neurons that harbor several quality functions of our brain.
It also contributes to enhancing synapse development and promoting neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. The supplement also helps in elevating our mental energy and providing a considerable amount of metabolic support that helps in synthesizing the functions of our brain. It has been noted from years and years of detailed studying and researching that the quality cognition that Qualia Mind promises is an outcome of years and years of research and development that has been done by top-notch scientists involving studying complex models, organic chemistry, neuroscience, and studying degrees like MDs and PhDs in the concerned subjects. The supplement functions by enhancing BDNF which in other words may be called a Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor.
It also supports the functions of Neurons and Synapse. Qualia Mind achieves all that it promises by promoting the various functions of Prefrontal Cortex Activity. It then proceeds to support the signaling processes by various Neurotransmitters. Qualia Mind also performs wonders by providing resilience to stress; as stress comes in the way of various significant brain functions that we all ought to perform with precision on a day to day basis.
What are the various benefits of Qualia Mind??
- Enhancing Memory Storage & Cognitive Functions: The supplement helps in facilitating the memory stores of our brain as it comprises various ingredients that prevent disorders like memory failure. It also comprises various ingredients that promote cognitive growth and makes us receptive to diverse information that surrounds us all day.
- Great Focus Power & Enhanced levels of Concentration: Qualia Mind ensures that our attentional capacities are improvised in a way we find it easier to focus on different activities that require us to deliver attention. It also enhances our ability to concentrate which ensures that we work with more productivity and interest.
- More Drive & Increased Productivity: As the supplement comprises various component that consist of ingredients that are natural and extremely effective in enhancing our cognitive abilities, it can also to be noted how this supplement helps in enhancing our drive for doing things which further helps in expanding our overall performance.
- Quality Mental Clarity: This natural supplement also ensures quality mental clarity which helps us have a better grasp of things surrounding us. It promotes our mental abilities to observe something more clearly which shapes our knowledge of the world and helps us function more appropriately.
The recommended dosage for Qualia Mind is 7 capsules per day. You are advised to not exceed the dosage recommended to you for witnessing the effectiveness and staying under the safety levels of the supplement.
Order Your Bottle of Qualia Mind Now from its Official Website and Experience the New Found Brain Performance!
Qualia Focus: Witness Unwavering Focus That Never Fails You

The supplement has mainly been designed for students, working professionals, and even sportspersons who involve themselves in activities mainly oriented to the brain such as playing puzzle games and chess. Other than enhancing our cognitive functions, the supplement also helps in decreasing stress, fatigue and eliminating our natural tendency to procrastinate as it charges us with lots of brain energy which eventually helps us in focusing better and enjoying every task we participate in to its fullest.
One of the primary benefits of Qualia Focus is the process in which it helps in beating brain fog. It also helps people to enhance and amplify their willpower in doing tasks or succeeding generally in life. The supplement also shows a remarkable response in upgrading our mental energy which makes us stay elevated all the time and avoids all sorts of weariness and stress. It is also noteworthy how this supplement causes heightened levels of creativity which help us make the most of our aptitude and perform every task to the depth of our interests.
Qualia Focus ensures that neural and synapse development helps us in establishing and maintaining adequate levels of concentration and focus as this will further ensure we attend to things very carefully. The supplement also makes sure that the nourishment our body receives gets to our brain and also gets utilized for various essential processes that are undertaken by the brain. Besides, Qualia Mind also ensures epitomes of productivity consisting of heightened mental clarity by eliminating the desire to slow down that we all face. Qualia Focus, quite like all the other Qualia products comes with a 100 days Money Guarantee and Free Worldwide shipping.
What is the scientific structure on which Qualia Focus is dependent???
Qualia Focus comprises ingredients that consist of several nutrients binding the support system for the choline Pool and even Choline Pathway. The formulation of the product is done in a way that Choline gets converted into a chemical called Phosphocholine by using the formulation of ATP as a donor which donates Phosphate.
Magnesium has also been seen to cause a lot of synapse development and a major factor contributing to a specific significant enzyme reaction. This enzyme is called CTP and utilizes Cytidine Triphosphate (CTP) to convert Phosphocholine into CDP-Choline. All these scientific deductions might seem extremely puzzling to understand but they make enough sense when it comes to underlying the foundations of how Qualia Focus works. The enzymes and proteins get formed and are synthesized in a way that various neural pathways get formed and synapses get developed.
Alike, Qualia Mind, this supplement also manages to provide resilience to stress as it is one of the primary constraints to productivity and success. Alongside Choline Signaling, Qualia Focus has also been seen to cause signaling of a neurotransmitter called Glutamate. The pivotal function of this neurotransmitter is to promote the sensitivity of the neurotransmitter Glutamate along with preventing the excessive flow of the neurotransmitter.
The supplement comprises ingredients like Huperzine A and Bacopa Monnieri that helps in promoting the functions of the enzymes that lay the fundamentals of this supplement. It also helps in regulating, synthesizing, and signaling various neuroprotective systems of our brain. Glutamate and Choline are one of the most significant neurotransmitters of our brain as it serves various functions of the Central Nervous System. Various other neurotransmitter signaling stacks take place to ensure the proper functioning of the supplement and establish the smooth functioning of our cognition.
Enlisting the various benefits of Qualia Focus:
- Increased Capacity to Focus: The supplement gives you regular nutritional support which helps in fueling us with more focus and concentration. The product is designed in a way that helps our brain to increase its capacity to adapt to the environment. It also helps in regulating our optimal well-being.
- Preventing Brain Fog: The supplement has been structured on a very functional formula that studies and regulates our key neural pathways which further activates various neural and synapse processes. The supplement comprises various compounds, amino acids, herbal adaptogens, choline, and even neuro-vitamins that promote our capacity to concentrate.
- Money-back guarantee: Qualia Focus just like all the other Qualia products comes with a 100days money-back guarantee that safeguards you and your money against all dissatisfactions and undesirable results.
- Enhanced Mental Well-Being: This supplement also ensures long-term cognitive mental health which makes us more adaptable towards our environment alongside enhancing our capacity to work and learn. It also helps in reducing stress and the habit to procrastinate which thereby leads us towards success and achievement.
You are advised to take 5 capsules a day of Qualia Focus to witness the results you expect. However, you are also advised against overdosing as it might not give you the results, and excessiveness of it can hamper your overall health and immune system.
To master Uninterrupted Focus, Click Here to Order Qualia Focus only from its Official Website.
Qualia Life: Intermittent Memory and Willpower

Qualia Life, unlike Qualia Focus and Qualia Mind, has been predominantly designed for people who belong to the age group of 50 years or above. We all realize the burden of stress and inability to perform that comes with dotage and senile years, and the key reason lying behind all the old-age concerns relating to brain function in the absence of cell protein and energy. This comprehensive product has been designed for people suffering from the backlogs of old-age for all the benefits it bestows on its consumers, helps in promoting better cognition and memory that we all require with aging.
The supplement has been tested by various doctors, researchers, and scientists and through the process, it comprises 36 ingredients that are proven to synergistically provide support to our cells in making more energy for our enhanced productivity. Qualia Life has also been showing remarkable response in regulating the production of NAD and ATP which help in supporting various pathways. The increased cell energy helps us achieve sounder sleep, enhances our productivity, causes better workouts, and also upgrades our mental wellbeing.
Qualia Life also comes to you as a supplement that prevents age-related cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s and so on. It also promises you a 100 days money-back guarantee and free worldwide shipping.
How does Qualia Life manage to deliver what it outlines??
The scientific formulation as to how this particular supplement functions all the wonders and how it helps in retaining the brain functions of your youth is elaborately mentioned on the official website of Qualia. The product targets various neurotransmitters and synapses by optimizing the NAD and NADH ratio, which helps in supporting various NAD-linked pathways essential for proper brain communication.
It also allows the expression of various genes as age often perturbs the functions of various adopted genes. Optimized NAD ratios also help in protecting our cells against various health-damaging pathways. The scientific formulation of this particular supplement also helps in regulating the functions of Sirtuins which helps in balancing PARPs and repairing DNA for functional cognition.
Qualia Life also elevates the energy produced for cellular health and maintenance by supporting various agents and nutritional components that structure various cellular pathways, such as breakdown of glucose, beta-oxidation, Krebs cycle, and also transportation of electrons. The supplement also functions to deliver the benefits it promises to enhance our productivity. The supplement also helps in supporting mitochondrial ATP output and mitochondrial health and biogenesis.
Hence, the formula also establishes great extents of mitochondrial network for synthesizing the membrane proteins and various other neurotransmitters that communicate amongst each other. It also helps in controlling the quality of proteins that are involved in brain functions and builds proper defenses of antioxidants.
Qualia Life has also been seen to enhance the strength of our muscles and promote healthy weight and the presence of a standard metabolism. The product also helps in promoting the functions of insulin and the thyroid that often tends to get depleted because of age.
What are the various benefits of Qualia Life??
- Promote Sleeping Abilities and Amplify Energy Production: The product comprises various ingredients that help in promoting our sleep cycles. It also amplifies the amounts of energy that gets formed inside our brain with the help of various neurotransmitters and synapses and ensures that the energy produced is properly distributed throughout the body.
- Enhanced Memory Capacity and Increased Productivity: Dotage often disturbs and weakens the capacity of our memory stores to withstand information that constantly enters the span of our attention. It facilitates both short-term and long-term memory health which ensures we perform tasks to their finest quality.
- Regulated and controlled Mitochondrial Fitness and Cellular Energy: The supplement helps in building various antioxidant defenses alongside controlling various master regulators used for cellular defenses and detoxification. It also helps in protecting against advanced glycation production that originates due to age.
- Prevents Stress and Age-Related Brain Fatigue: Qualia Life provides support against stress-causing elements that tend to be more captivating during old age. We find ourselves stressing about various little occurrences. The supplement also eliminates mental fatigue and helps us live our lives more functionally.
The recommended dosage for Qualia Life is 8 veggie capsules per day. You are again advised not to exceed the dosage recommended to you for a desirable and healthy outcome, as it has been studied to be effective by various doctors, researchers, and scientists.
Let Not Age Wear Away your Brain Power, Rush your Order of Qualia Life from its Official Website, Tap Here.
Common Ingredients of Qualia Mind, Qualia Focus, and Qualia Life:
- Thiamin: This is a significant compound that causes various enzymes present in the brain to construct a healthy functioning of cellular metabolism. It also helps in the production of precursors that help various other cell compounds to produce energy and generate significant energy-supplying molecules called ATP.
- Vitamin B12: We are all aware of the multiple benefits that one can derive from Vitamin B12 and how it has been associated with memory loss, commonly seen in older adults. Vitamin B12 plays a significant role in controlling brain atrophy which involves the loss of neurotransmitters in the brain. The vitamin also helps in preventing age-oriented Dementia.
- Niacin: This ingredient helps in improving your overall brain function by promoting the roles of NAD and NADP. This also helps in producing energy that gets properly transported to various parts of our body. It is also to be noted, how deficiency of Niacin in our system can cause brain fog and fatigue.
- Pantothenic Acid: This ingredient helps in contributing to the structure and functions of cellular energy which comprises cholesterol, fatty acids, amino acids, and phospholipids. It also helps in the synthesis and regulation of several steroid hormones alongside Vitamin D.
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine: The pivotal function of this ingredient is to facilitate our memory stores and prevent loss of memory. Memory is one of the most significant parts of our cognition and proper cognitive abilities do require an essential strength of memory. This ingredient helps in preventing mental tiredness that mostly happens during old age and also enhances our physical tenacity.
Common ingredients in Qualia Mind and Qualia Focus:
- Vitamin C: This particular vitamin is present in a lot of products as it is one of the key factors that help in the conversion of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase into noradrenaline. Noradrenaline helps in dopaminergic transmission. The ingredient also helps in the regulation of catecholamine and acetylcholine that is released from various synapses.
- Vitamin B6: The ingredient helps in creating neurotransmitters that transmit various chemical messages throughout the brain. It also helps in producing energy that increases our mental productivity. Vitamin B6 deficiency also helps in preventing Dementia and age-related brain fatigue.
- Bacopa Monnieri: The ingredient is used for various psychological purposes from the ancient years of Ayurveda. It is well-known for how it helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and even improving our memory stores. The ingredient also helps in elevating our cognitive functions which enhances our overall productivity.
- N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine: The ingredient helps in enhancing the levels of neurotransmitters like Dopamine, Adrenaline, and Norepinephrine. Enhanced numbers of neurotransmitters ensure that we improve our skills to perform and synthesize our memories in stressful situations. This amino acid also helps our body to regulate Phenylalanine.
- Rhodiola Rosea Root Extract: This is one of the key ingredients that help in preventing memory disorders like Dementia. This root is mainly cultivated in the Arctic region. The ingredient is famous in a way as it helps us to enhance the stores of our memory, promote learning and help us protect the brain.
- L-Theanine: One of the primary roles of this ingredient is to cross the blood-brain barrier which shall enhance the brain’s capacity to promote neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and so on. This further ensures that our system has enough anxiolytic and productive benefits. The ingredient has also been seen to cause alpha-brain waves that promote cognition and heightened attention spans.
- Huperzine A: This acts as a compound that helps in like a medication usually taken to promote the functions and qualities of neurotransmitters in the brain. Huperzine A has shown great response in helping memory functions and regulating the various nerve cellsof our brain which often gets declined and causes disorders like Alzheimer’s.
- Alpha- GPC: This ingredient act as an enabler that promotes the functions and release of a neurotransmitter called Acetylcholine which has been scientifically studied to be directly linked with learning and memory. It protects the choline levels from getting depleted and ensures endurance and growth.
- Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract: This particular root has various benefits and most of them are medicinal properties pertaining to our overall health. It has various healing properties such as healing various heart diseases, asthma, and even bronchitis.
And as far as its Nootropics benefits are in concern, the ingredients is known for its ability to boost cAMP levels in the brain, which is known as Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, which is an plays the role of an neural signaling within the cells of the brain.
- Ginkgo Biloba: Out of all the studies that have been conducted on the usefulness of this particular ingredient, the one benefit that outshines the most is the way it helps in protecting our brain against various invading agents which can cause neural damage. The ingredient also helps in promoting blood circulation in the brain and body, and our overall immunity system.
- Theobromine: This is a natural compound that promotes our mood states in several ways possible. The ingredient helps in enhancing our mood states by enhancing our capacity to stay alert. This is usually found in caffeine and cocoa. It serves various roles in blocking and activating various significant receptors.
- Velvet Beans: Velvet Bean seeds have various anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory benefits concerning treating disorders like Parkinsonism and so on. It regulates the neurotransmitter called L-dopa which is the precursor for Dopamine (a vital chemical messenger that involves memory, motivation, attention, regulation of body movement and more.)
- Organic Coffee Berry: Coffee fruit has various benefits in enhancing the levels of a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This ingredient functions as a significant protein that plays an integral role in the overall functions of various neuronal cells in our brain.
- Taurine: This ingredient helps in promoting the functions of both the heart and the brain. It also helps in reducing blood pressure and promoting the functions of our nervous system. This ingredient also looks after the conditions of our hearts.
And additionally, Taurine acts both as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator in the brain, by activating neurotransmitters like GABA that is responsible for regulating both memory, mood and also prevent seizures. Also, Taurine has Neuroprotectant and aids neurogenesis that helps in the survival of the newly formed neurons. - Uridine Monophosphate: This ingredient helps in facilitating the nerves to cross the blood-brain barrier as it helps in improving the communication between the cells.
- Artichoke Leaf Extract: This ingredient helps in improving cognitive functions, synapse development, and enhances our memory capacity. It also helps its users to increase their attention span and function more appropriately.
Unique Ingredients of Qualia Mind:
- L-Phenylalanine: This ingredient functions as a precursor for dopamine and noradrenaline. It also functions in helping with adrenaline synthesis. The ingredient also helps to modulate ATP activity, promotes our mood states, and helps to encode sensory information.
- Phosphatidylserine: It helps in promoting the wellbeing and functioning of our mind and cognition. It also promotes our mood and reduces stress syndromes by causing healthy stress or Eustress.
- Cognizin: One of the primary benefits that we derive from this ingredient is how it helps in enhancing our ability to focus and enlarges our attention spans. It also helps in the conversion of Phosphatidylcholine from Choline.
- DHA (as Docosahexaenoic Acid from Algae): This promotes long-term brain health and ensures that our cognition does not get depleted because of aging or any other invading agent.
- Celastrus Paniculatus: It helps in supporting our brain health and function. It also supports our mood and enhances our productivity along with reducing the stress response.
- Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ): One of the primary benefits that you derive from this ingredient is how it helps in supporting mitochondrial efficiency. It also provides various antioxidant defenses and neural protections.
Unique Ingredients of Qualia Focus:
- Vitamin D3: Alongside supporting bone density and respiratory health, this vitamin also helps in enhancing our cardiovascular health and increases our overall immune system. It has been also seen to enhance our mood states and cognitive capacities.
- Almost all the ingredients of Qualia Focus and Qualia Mind are the same, however, Qualia Mind outnumbers Qualia Focus in the number of ingredients in enlists.
Unique Ingredients of Qualia Life:
- Vitamin K12: This ingredient plays a cofactor causing carboxylase enzymes. It helps in converting glutamate which relates itself to carboxyglutamate which plays an essential role in bone health maintenance and blood circulation.
- Folates: This is also the primary ingredient for the supplement as it helps in regulating cardiovascular health. It also promotes genetic stability and promotes the functioning and production of new cells of the brain.
- Biotin: The pivotal benefit of Biotin is to support metabolic pathways and the expression of genes that are very essential for ensuring long-term cognitive health.
- Riboflavin: This ingredient helps in producing cellular energy that tends to get depleted with aging old. It also helps in supporting various antioxidant defenses that are extremely essential for our overall brain function.
- Magnesium Glycinate: It regulates our sleep cycles and significant cardiovascular abilities which is extremely important for functional mood states. It also ensures the well-being of our musculoskeletal and cellular health.
- TriCreatine Malate: This ingredient ensures the efficiency of mitochondrial activities. It also promotes muscle strength and cardiac functions which hold an essential part in one’s life.
- Other ingredients of Qualia Life includes Calcium-β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Monohydrate, Glycine, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract, Cocoa Seed Extract, Cinnamomum Burmannii Bark Extract, L-Carnitine HCI, French Red Grapes Extract, Myo-Inositol, Ancient Peat and Apple Fruit Extract, Betaine HCI, Ashwagandha Root Leaf Extract, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Whole Herb Extract, Kaempferia Parviflora Root Extract, R-Lipoic Acid Sodium Salt, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, L-Tryptophan, Coenzyme, Ophorae Japonica L. Flower Extract, Citrus Sinensis Fruit Extract, Strawberry Seed Extract, Citrus Grandis Fruit Extract, Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Disodium, Ceratonia Siliqua Pod Extract.
What are the underlying differences between all three Qualia products?
The supplements that Qualia sells do not depend on the use of complex regulatory systems based on chemicals for moving the various biomarkers of our brain in a specific direction. The specific holistic approach that Qualia undertakes focuses on the ability of our mind to self-regulate. We studied three different nootropic supplements such as Qualia Mind, Qualia Focus, and Qualia Life, with each being astonishingly rewarding owing to their unique benefits and usefulness in achieving an overall peak of cognition.
- Qualia Life focuses on preventing and treating cognitive derailment and deficiency that takes over in old age and all the ingredients it incorporates are also tilted towards its specific aim.
- On the other hand, Qualia Mind and Qualia Focus has been designed for work professionals, athletes, students, sportsmen, and so on, as they help in enhancing cognitive growth, increase productivity, and improve our overall brain function.
- Qualia Mind is in a way more holistic as compared to Qualia Focus as it accompanies more ingredients and hence has proven to be more functional in respect to focus, attention span, and performance.
A Healthy Comparative Study Between the 3 Qualia Nootropics
Qualia Mind | Qualia Focus | Qualia Life | |
Product | Nootropic Natural Supplement | ||
Price (One time Purchase) | $159 | $69 | $159 |
Discounts | Subscribe to Save $100.00 | ||
Vegan friendly | Yes | ||
Shipping | Free World-Wide Shipping | ||
Suitability |
| For Aging adults belonging to the age of 50 or above. | |
Guarantee | 100 days Money-Back Guarantee. | ||
Dosage: | 7Capsules a day. | 5 capsules a day. | 8 capsules a day. |
Where to Buy? | Tap to Stop At Qualia Mind Official Website. | Tap to Stop At Qualia Foucs Official Website. | Tap to Stop At Qualia Life Official Website. |
Jason M. (USA)
I have been using the Qualia Mind supplement for a while now, and it has greatly improved my cognitive abilities. The formula is supported by research and consists of a blend of 28 natural and GMO-free ingredients. These ingredients, which include vitamins, amino acids, fibers, and various herbs, have long been recognized for their benefits in enhancing cognition. In conclusion, I highly recommend Qualia Mind to anyone who wants to enhance their cognitive abilities.
Braxton B. (UK)
I have been using the Qualia Mind supplement for a few months, and I must say it has had a significant impact on my cognitive abilities. The combination of 28 natural and GMO-free ingredients is quite impressive, indicating extensive research behind its creation. Overall, I highly recommend Qualia Mind to anyone seeking to enhance their cognitive abilities. It is an excellent supplement with a well-researched formula that delivers noticeable results.
All these natural nootropic supplements are extremely advanced and inclusive when it comes to addressing various cognitive deficits that we face from time to time owing to stress and mental pressure. The fast-acting formula on which they are devised has been tested and verified by various sanctioning bodies and it has also been scientifically established how these supplements help in fueling cognition and supporting the longevity of our brain health.
They do not require any requirement of a physician’s prescription or a doctor’s sanction to purchase this particular supplement and they are also prescribed by physicians countering various steroids and medications that carry every potentiality of harming our overall health. All three of them are prescribed as suitable to your requirement and design. However, Qualia in all true dimensions manages to solve all that we worry about.